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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (save $50!)$549.00
  • Preferred option
    3x monthly payments3x $199.00

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Get the full Prism Positioning experience plus… 

- 2x 60-minute calls with Delia to help identify your Sunshine Factor (what makes you different from the rest) and plan your offer suite. 

- Feedback and revision suggestions to your Brand Prism Playbook by Delia

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The Positioning Prism$0

An 8-week LIVE experience to take you from crisis to clarity for the next 5 years of growth.


You are about to create a memorable and magnetic personal brand that feels like a joyful expression of YOU and attracts your ideal audience.

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Positioning Prism$0

All prices in USD
